Making My Mark on the Universe: My Achievements So Far

I’ve been involved in numerous projects throughout the years, but these are the ones that fill me with the most pride. You can find them on my Youtube Channel, and some were completed for clients. I’ve carefully selected the ones that might catch your interest, so feel free to explore the code on my GitHub, as it has proven to be beneficial to many developers over time.

  • Disney+ Clone

    Disney+ Clone

    Disney+ clone built on React JS and redux with firestore database, firebase hosting, and google authentication for login.

    Disney+ Clone

  • Whatsapp Clone

    Whatsapp Clone

    WhatsApp clone with NextJS 13, TypeScript, TailwindUI, Firebase version 9, Cloud Firestore, Firebase Authentication, Firebase storage, Modal, Material UI and more.

    Whatsapp Clone

  • Hotel Admin Dashboard App

    Hotel Admin Dashboard App

    A hotel admin dashboard with Firebase version 9. CRUD functionality between the react app and Firestore. The tech stack used in this build is React, TypeScript, Firestore Database Version 9 and Firebase Hosting

    Hotel Admin Dashboard App

  • Amazon Clone

    Amazon Clone

    Amazon website clone built with react using sign-in authentication from firebase. React Redux manages the basket and user state from the data layer. The app is deployed on firebase hosting.

    Amazon Clone

  • Costa Coffee Clone

    Costa Coffee Clone

    A Costa Coffee clone built with NextJs 12 and Styled Components using data from our own API. The app is deployed on Vercel.

    Costa Coffee Clone